Shutterbug Excursions Meetup
Support our Meetup!
I'm writing for your help in keeping this Meetup going. Since we started this group in 2008, it's been a labor of love for me and the many volunteers who plan and host events. Recently, Meetup doubled the fees it charges organizers to run our groups. Literally doubled overnight. Needless to say, continuing to underwrite the Meetup group is challenging, so I'd like to ask for your support. In return, I can ensure we bring you great programming and events regularly.
Here's what I'm proposing.
Tip Jar
For the price of a cup of coffee. Make a one-time donation to our continued operations.
Membership levels
$10 - month - Will host monthly webinar/online meetings with presentations and guest speakers. Give me your wish list on topics and speakers, and I'll try to make it happen!
$20 - month - Same as $10 level plus feedback and group coaching sessions once each month.
I hope that many of you find enough value in this community to invest in our continued operation. Your support will help us to not only keep the Meetup going but to invest in quality programming for you.
Thanks for your consideration
Whether you are an emerging, enthusiast, or entrepreneurial photographer, we offer lots of opportunities to develop your craft.
In-person photo walks and Meetups in every photography genre.
Free webinars and online presentations to teach and inspire.
Structured workshops to support your professional development
A community to support and encourage you on your journey.