Caregiver’s Dream

This was one of the more moving and powerful events I've photographed. Andre Greer hosted an event called the Caregiver's Dream. The idea was to honor the people who were caregivers to loved ones who were passing away.

Throughout the night, he did a couple things. One — he honored the loved ones who passed away by recognizing them in his hall of fame. He displayed their framed photographs on huge easels.

Next, he recognized the ones who cared for them by presenting them awards. The evening took on the feel of an Oscars and Grammy awards evening. This man showered so much love on so many people it was awe inspiring.

But then one of the honorees flipped the script on him. One of the pastors gave an emotional thank you to Andre for all he did that evening. Then he invited the audience to pray over Andre. You'll see everyone with their arms stretched out to him while the pastor prays over him.

For someone who was selflessly showing so much love to have it come back unexpectedly was a powerful moment.

Throughout the evening, it occurred to me that my family had also been caregivers during my mother's battle with cancer a couple years ago. I had never thought of us that way because it was my mother. Of course we would take care of her. We weren't caregivers in my mind. We were family.

But I guess by his definition, we were caregivers. As I was photographing that event, I started reflecting on our family's journey. I even got misty from some of the other caregiver stories I heard.

I photograph so many events throughout the year, but that evening moved me on many different levels. It was a beautiful event.

Lyn Morton

When creative types think of launching their second career or side hustle doing the work we love, we often look around and think ‘so many people already have businesses doing the same thing. How will I ever stand out or differentiate myself?’

Lyn Morton Creative helps you build a personal brand based on your unique skills, values, and experiences. This helps you design a business that attracts your best customers, forms deeper connections with them, and turns them into raving fans.

In Dad’s arms


Baby Vida throwback