Andre Greer’s personal branding session

This is the age of the multihyphenate entrepreneur — someone who has gifts that span more than just one occupation. That’s the place Andre Greer found himself and what made him such a great candidate for a personal branding campaign. Mr. Greer owns a mentorship business, he is a podcaster, radio host, investor, and more.
Near the end of last year, he shared with me that he wanted to create an umbrella company and unite all his endeavors under a personal brand. This photo shoot was our first deliverable supporting his campaign. These photos will be used on his new website, in marketing, and for promoting his speaking opportunities. It’s exciting watching all of this develop.

Lyn Morton

When creative types think of launching their second career or side hustle doing the work we love, we often look around and think ‘so many people already have businesses doing the same thing. How will I ever stand out or differentiate myself?’

Lyn Morton Creative helps you build a personal brand based on your unique skills, values, and experiences. This helps you design a business that attracts your best customers, forms deeper connections with them, and turns them into raving fans.

AirBnB at Appalachian Resort


When an impromptu session makes the ‘album’ cover