Staff Headshot Sessions on Site

Schedule a headshot session for your staff or team, and I’ll bring the studio to you!

Staff headshots for the Boys & Girls Club of Hawthorne created on site.

Scheduling staff headshots together can be an efficient and cost-effective solution for businesses.

By scheduling headshots together, businesses can ensure a consistent and professional look across all employee photos.

Creating photos on site at your location allows employees to have their photos taken without disrupting their workday. This can also create a sense of unity among employees, as they are all participating in the same event.

More importantly, scheduling headshots together can be a great way to save money, as I offer discounts for larger groups. Overall, scheduling staff headshots together is a smart move for businesses looking to create a professional and cohesive image.

Send me a message to discuss how it can work for your team.


Headshots for the therapists of Emerge Counseling. We went to the park across the street to create their headshots.


Headshots for children’s entertainers at Dani’s Delightful Parties done on site.


Paula from Terrie O'Connor Realtors created on site.